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Things you need to know before your trip with us.
First things first make sure you have your current State of Alaska sports fishing license on you before you come to the boat. That can be bought online at or at numerous places around Alaska and in Homer it self. We suggest a king salmon tag as well as your license especially if you are doing a salmon trip aboard the F/V Tuff Stuff. Please remember that if you buy your license online you have to print it or have a SIGNED digital copy on your phone or the electronic device of your choice.
Also we suggest you dress warm for your trip with us. Alaska can be cold even in the summer months and you can always remove items of clothing, hard to put on clothing you don't have with you! Boots are a good idea but not a game changer the deck of the F/V Tuff Stuff is pretty dry but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Also raingear falls into this catagory the cabin is dry but we are out there to fish rain or shine.
Next on our suggestions for our guests is food and drinks. Please bring your lunches with you I have yet to see a dinner boat out on the water but I think it would be a great idea. So please bring enough food and drinks to keep you and your party in good spirits as well as energetic for your day because you will be expelling quit a bit of energy with us. Keep in mind there is no microwave on board the vessel at this time so be advised. Also there is bottled water on board for those that forget to bring their own.
There will be a 7.5% sales tax in addition to our fees. That will be added at the time of booking.
Rules andRegulations
To the right are the official 2024 IPHC Regulations for the area we are fishing. Area 3A.
In laymen's terms: Each individual person is allowed two halibut per day with one fish measuring 28 inches or less from the tip of the jaw to the center of the tail. Under the IPHC url is the Alaska Department of Fish and Games website. We will be fishing the area Cook Inlet Saltwater.
Heres a link to our FB Page
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